Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Learning to Thank God for the Little Things

This evening, just as we were praying before sleep-time, Noah interrupted me to add this to our prayer.

Dear God, thankyou for apples. And thankyou for cheese. And thankyou for vegemite [pronounced: 'begemite']. And thankyou for peanut butter. Amen.

After tucking the little bloke in for sleep, I went downstairs for a consultation with Doctor Lil'.

Her ears are so little it's very tricky to balance the glasses properly. Adorable ears.


Ami said...

Haha - that prayer is so cute :)

Nikki Lynch said...

Thats so lovely!

Jos has been amazing me at Little House (sunday school at Crossroads House) with his prayers recently.

He gets what we've been learning and thanks God for that, but also throws in all the other things too. They usually go something like:

"Dear God, we thank you so much that we can come to church today, thank you that we're all friends and for our mummies and daddies, thank you for making Xavi's pet and I pray that you will give him some chocolate, thank you for Phebes new pony toy, my teacher at school...".and on it goes

Maybe it runs in the genes!

Bernard said...

Yeah, I reckon. Their delight in the tiniest things is just lovely.