Sunday, May 10, 2009

Soldiers and Sitting

Noah is has recently entered a whole new world of play, dragging us into a whole new world of parenting. Pretending to be soldiers is all the rage among his mates at the moment. As you can imagine, soldiers don't just bounce on trampolines. They carry swords, chop things, put people in jail... and, memorably, it was soldiers who hurt Jesus and killed him. Complicated times.

Lily is now sufficiently stable to sit in the bath, unassisted, without much trouble. Noah tried to help her swim in the bath today, however, which didn't go terribly well :)

They really do get on like a house on fire. Noah gets smiles at least as readily as I do - perhaps more so! But he also elicits some pretty distressed sounds when, for example, cuddling Lily around her neck or driving toy cars around on her head.

Nick and Bron baby-sat Noah and Lily recently while Kate and I had a dinner thing on in Newtown. Both kids had a ball. Thanks Nick and Bron :)

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