Monday, November 9, 2009

Horsing Around Together

The kids still love knocking around together. In fact, increasingly, Noah speaks of himself and Lily as an 'us'. Phrases like, 'Show us what you're doing!', 'Can we have some?' They're joining forces :)

Increasingly, Lily is able to manage a bowl on her own (rather than just an item or two on her tray). But Noah still loves being 'the feeder' for those times she's not allowed a whole bowl. He sits next to Lil' at the table, and whenever she's out of supplies, he hands her some more.

Lily eats three Weet Bix for breakfast. She'd eat more, but we've gotta stop somewhere.


Jason said...

So awesome :) A very welcome few posts in my Reader. Keep up the blogging guys!

I can manage two. Then I'm full.
I'm actually being beaten by a little girl. Not figuratively, Lilly is excelling at inhaling Weetbix.

Bernard said...

She is powerful.

She's also fast. At dinner time, Lily eats as much as Noah in about half the time. Perhaps conversation slows him down, but in any case, she's fast!