Friday, February 27, 2009

Dotty Dresses and Dresses and Dresses

Lily continues to grow and grow and grow! For Katie, that means new outfits to dress up her little beauty in :)

Polka dots. Lily's become very good at sleeping, really, and if things aren't going her way, then her favourite pacifier is always at hand... er, it's her left hand. She loves gobbling on it. If she can get her hand, she's happy; if her hands are lost, she's devastated.

Yellow frills. Lion-rattle-crazy-toys are also pretty good. You might remember this one from Noah's younger days. We dubbed him, Duke Lion.

Pink, with flowers. We went to a nearby (ish) park last weekend to feed the ducks (and swans, and eels, and massive fish, and the turtle!) Lily watched patiently while Noah threw the bread in.

Purple corduroy. These kids are crazy about each other. The admiration and interest in Lily's eyes as she watches he big bro is just adorable. It's nice that Noah has other friends to play with when Lily's asleep, otherwise Lily might find herself an infant insomniac.

Note the hand-holding!

Mmmmm. Vegemite sandwiches.


Ami said...

Wow - they're both growing up so fast!!! Lily looks very pretty in her many dresses :) It's nice to hear they're getting along so well. Praying for you all,
Amy xoxo

Anonymous said...

FAT, FAT, FAT, FAT, FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring her home!!! (and noah)
Auntie Fi xox