Monday, December 8, 2008

The Zoo and Inklings of Christmas

Uncle Tim accompanied us to the zoo last week. It was, of course, Lily's first time to Taronga. She did very well. Lily is generally pretty easy to transport, so long as you don't expect her to sleep.

We took the ferry, this time, which Noah rather enjoyed.

And it provided ample opportunity for touristy shots.

We visited the Australian animals and the new(ish) Southern Ocean exhibit, including the seal show. But you can't really go to the zoo without visiting the tigers - at least that's what Noah and I reckon. Tigers are our power-animal.

Lily has very good neck-control, really, though you wouldn't know it from these photos.

Noah has made great progress on his toilet-training chart. In fact, he has a second chart now! Today he even asked for the toilet when we were away from home (twice!). Well done, Noah.

In other Noah news: The question 'Why?' has entered his conversational arsenal. He used it twice on me today. I laughed the first time; it sounded like someone else's child! I guess this signals new times ahead in our parenting :)

The other day we enjoyed Christmas with the Sydney-Hansards at Unca Bruce's. It was great to see those guys again. It's been a while, I think. Bruce cooked up a storm as usual. And it was the first wave of the Christmas tide of present-unwrapping for Noah. He found it hard to stop at one ;)

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