Sunday, October 12, 2008

Early Days with Big Bro

Noah's always been quite a huggy kinda boy. Just now, cuddling Lily has become one of his favourite new pass-times.

Lily's usually pretty compliant, or just asleep.

Noah's also a very enthusiastic sharer, which is a wonderful trait. Unfortunately, Lily isn't quite up to playing the xylophone, or playing with farm animals, or playing with Noah's trains, though he's tried to encourage her. One day, Noah, one day.

Thankfully Lily has been sleeping a bit better the last couple of nights, so thank God for that. Please pray that the trend continues, especially for Katie (since I can't really take her place as Lily's food supply!)

She's a little angel.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Noah is a natural at the whole big brother thing! What a pair of lookers. Congratulations on Lily's safe arrival. Hope you're all doing well.

Bernard said...

Thanks Pablo!

Emi said...

What a beautiful little girl, congratulations Katie and Bernie!

Katie, I'll be thinking of you and praying Lily gets lots of sleep during the night so you have a chance to rest too! So happy for you and your beautiful family :)

Nikki Lynch said...

Thanks so much for blogging, please keep on doing it even tho you must be very busy!

Lily is so incredibly beautiful that I'm all teary! I'm so happy for you and miss you all so much and am very proud of Noah, please tell him from Xavi that little sisters do get to be lots of fun, it just takes a while.

I'll give you a ring in the next few days.

Luv Nikki

Anonymous said...

So exciting! How wonderful! What a darling! Congratulations! I'm overjoyed for you all. All my love, Cath.

Luke said...

I love the pics of Noah cuddling Lily - how cute!! And I'm loving all the pink she's in, that suit is adorable!! I want a turn to dress her when you come down at Xmas! Your blog is totally great! Love Aunty Jan.