Sunday, August 9, 2009

Costumes, Tricks, and Stunts

Pretending to be a fireman or a builder (or a solider!) are some of Noah's fave games. But recently he's been diversifying. Spacemen, Farmers (pictured), Race Cars, you name it.

(I think this was a farmer, anyway, but I can't explain the cape... Super-Farmer, maybe?!)

Last weekend, we tried a different stunt altogether. While Noah serviced his bike...

...Daddy fitted a kid seat to one of his bikes! It was definitely fun. Noah didn't like the bumps. But I think it was a real buzz for him to go on such an adventure.

Over the last few months or more, we've noticed Noah has developed seriously powerful burst of energy. Sometimes he just goes a bit bonkers with laughing and running and crashing. At other times he likes to make stunts for himself. Here's one.

The idea is that you start on the far side of the chair, launch yourself over, and land/crash down along the kiddie-couch. Anyone game for a try?

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