Monday, September 14, 2009


Lily's balance is getting seriously good. She can stand for quite a while, unsupported, now. Sometimes, as she stands, she gradually collapses into a squatting position - still upright, though.

But balance is handy for horsey rides, too.

These two are doing heaps together now :)

Loving Swimming

The kids loved our recent trip to the pool. Noah loves the strong current in the whirlpool-y bit of the kids pool. He's not a fan of the big fountains that spray water into the air, though.

Lily rather enjoyed the little jets of water that bubble up out of the paddling pool. In fact, she liked them enough to crawl straight through one - she emerged a little startled and with a very wet head.

While Nana was in town we ducked over to the zoo again. Noah, like his dad, loves the big cats; but, as always, they were lying very still. Lily likes the mere cats; they were up to their usual antics.

Lil's got a few new threads recently, too.

Before long she'll be needing a whole new wardrobe of warm jumpers. Brrrr. But not just yet.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Do, Test-Driven

Noah had his hair cut today.

So far, we've discovered that his new haircut goes quite well with happy faces...

...and with angry faces, too.

Ok, so his hair is actually a bit out of control in these photos. But that's totally normal. The thing is it's heaps shorter now, which is nice :)