Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Last week was Noah's third birthday party, in the park. He had a blast. Heaps of pals. Lots of fun games. Piles of presents. Mountains of party food. A lovely day. Thanks so much for everyone who made it to celebrate with us.

Heaps of Noah's pals were there to celebrate with him and play games. The hit was definitely the egg-and-spoon race. Ridiculously funny.

The cake, in fact the theme for the party, was a race car.

Decorating it was the usual ordeal. But it was seriously yummy for a kids birthday cake. The recipe was Bill's, the icing was a white chocolate number--delicious, but comparatively tricky to work with.

The day of Noah's actual birthday, however, was celebrated with pancakes.

Ever since, he's been donning his Superman suit as often as possible. It's kinda nice having a super hero around.

Lily, of course, doesn't have a very acute a sense of ownership, so new toys are new toys for her. She particularly likes Noah's Duplo.

Her new jammies are very cute, too. Don't you think?

Standing Room Only

As I've mentioned, one of Lily's fave things to do is stand up and look around. She's getting rather good at it, too.

Noah's still great at knocking back babycinos.

Friday, August 14, 2009

A Little Team

It's nice when Lily is being cute... such as when she covers herself in food (she eats lots too!)

And it's nice when Noah behaves like a big boy (which now includes stuff like dressing himself!).

But most of all it's nice when my little buttons take delight in one another. Here they are in the pyjamas one morning, having fun as a little team.

And here's Lily trying to wake her bro from a kip on the couch. She needed a little help, though, as he's a pretty good sleeper.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Costumes, Tricks, and Stunts

Pretending to be a fireman or a builder (or a solider!) are some of Noah's fave games. But recently he's been diversifying. Spacemen, Farmers (pictured), Race Cars, you name it.

(I think this was a farmer, anyway, but I can't explain the cape... Super-Farmer, maybe?!)

Last weekend, we tried a different stunt altogether. While Noah serviced his bike...

...Daddy fitted a kid seat to one of his bikes! It was definitely fun. Noah didn't like the bumps. But I think it was a real buzz for him to go on such an adventure.

Over the last few months or more, we've noticed Noah has developed seriously powerful burst of energy. Sometimes he just goes a bit bonkers with laughing and running and crashing. At other times he likes to make stunts for himself. Here's one.

The idea is that you start on the far side of the chair, launch yourself over, and land/crash down along the kiddie-couch. Anyone game for a try?

Birds are Best

Lily has a favourite game: Chasing birdies.

Here she is in Leichhardt, when Uncle Tim was in town. Pigeons are quite popular.

This morning, at church, a magpie kept her entertained for about five full minutes as it wandered and hopped its way around the school yard. Lily kicked with enthusiasm and chattered away as we strolled along after it.

And here she is again, this time in Newtown. Once more, it's pigeons. (Noah also loves chasing birds, but since he's much faster the birds just fly off; with Lily, on the other hand, they seem to enjoy the chase a bit more.)

But Lily also likes time on the swings with her Mum and bro.