Friday, July 24, 2009

Crash, the Game.

So Noah has invented a new game: Crash. It's a game best played with Daddy (Noah never asks Mummy to play). Basically, it's wrestling. He's got some good moves, too.

Noah loves it when Lily plays, too. As you can imagine, Crash is the kind of game that Lily enjoys right up until the point where she inadvertently bumps heads with Noah, or takes a foot to the face. That's wrestling, folks.

Backtracking a bit, the remainder of the Tassie holiday was a blast for the kids. Having an every-night slumber party with the boys probably took its toll on Noah a bit, though!

Lily is getting increasingly persistent with standing (while holding something), and she's very confident - perhaps bordering on reckless! Lily loves to let-go with one hand, twist around and just look about, regardless of whether or not she's in a very stable position. An adventurous little soul, I guess.

Crawling, however, she has mastered. She's fast, she can sit-up after crawling, she can negotiate little obstacles. Lily even successfully found her brother in a round of hide-and-seek! (I said, Where's Noah? Lily made a dash for him; Noah loved it.)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Mountain and the Park

We took a trip up Mt Wellington this morning, hoping to get some snow-time.

It was not to be. The gates were closed at the springs, so we settled for the snow-less lookout.

Then we hit Hill St for some fun in the park. Lily enjoyed the train.

As did Noah.

Lily's little teeth are again visible here. She's getting very good at standing.

But more interestingly, Lily has figured out how to crawl forwards. Her technique is a little haphazard, but she's getting it!

Layering. That's the trick to doing Tasmania well. Here, Lily is in four layers on top and three on the bottom.

After a spot of lunch, I took Lily home for a nap. But the boys kicked-on for a while.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Holiday with the Boys

We're all bunked-in at Boy HQ while on holiday in Tassie this week. The boys are having a blast together through the days... and the nights!

Noah is very happy with the sleeping arrangements.

Bathtimes are quite a hoot, too.

Even for Lily! (If you zoom-in, you can just see her bottom-right tooth. The bottom-left isn't quite visible in this photo, but it's there!)

I think Noah is going to miss these guys when we have to go back to our little, quiet bath.

Lily's had an ear infection, but seems to be nearly mended now.