Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy little Vegemites

This is just before bedtime. Stories have been read, and (cool) baths had; it's almost time for sleep. But first, it's time for brother and sister to say goodnight. If anything, Noah is a little too enthusiastic. A cuddle becomes a squeeze, one kiss becomes three, and sleep drops right off his agenda: he just wants to go and hand out with Lily some more.

Giggling is cool. But I still like smiles, too.

And here she is, fresh from the bath :)

Two quick things about Noah:
  1. He's basically fully toilet trained now, which is spectacularly good.
  2. He likes a good conversation. The other day Noah asked Katie to sit with him on the back step, and - when they'd both sat down - then said this: "Mum, let's talk about God". He then proceeded to say stuff like, "God... and Jesus... and Jesus Rocks the World!!" (a Colin Buchanan reference). He's suggested God as a topic for conversation several times since: once around the dinner table, once at his play table over coffee. Classic.

Reading and Costumes

Lily's neck is now strong enough for reading while lying on her tummy.

Obviously she came across a rather interesting bit here...

Lily has also started giggling, which is just beautiful. And for the first time, today I discovered that she'd squirmed around so much in her cot that she was bumping her head against the side. She's growing up!

This guy, in other news, loves pretending. Here we're being Jack and Jill.

And here's Noah in Mr Potatohead's glasses. He loves putting them on, and he loves putting them on his parents, too!

Today we discovered that Noah's tonsillitis has resurfaced (he had it while we were in Tassie). But it's pretty mild at the moment. Hopefully it'll clear up soon.

Lily the Sleeper

As you might expect, Lily 's pastimes remain few. Sleeping is one that she's doing pretty well at these days.

Lily is still sleeping well at night, thankfully! Noise often wakes her from her day-sleeps. (And no, I don't mean just Noah-noise!). But generally she'll settle again with her favourite settling CD (sounds like a vacuum cleaner).

Dreaming about reindeer, maybe? Actually this is a classic wake-up stretch. She has quite a repertoire.

What about the heat? (It's been in the thirties for much of this week, and stays hot at night). Fine. Sleeping like a baby :)