Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ten Days on the Planet :)

All in all we've had a great week this last week. Praise God, we've had some pretty good sleep. Although Lily (obviously) has to feed through the night, she mostly sleeps otherwise. There's only been once or twice when she's preferred crying to sleep :)

These two kids are getting on like you wouldn't believe. If Lily's crying, it's "There, there, Lily". If she's got a dirty nappy, Noah's all-hands-on-deck to help. He seems to be coping well with the changes. Sometimes he pushes boundaries a bit further than normal, though. Maybe it's just us, but if anything he is more full-of-beans now than before Lily's arrival!

Noah and I grabbed a quiet coffee together earlier this week. It gave Kate and bit of a break, and it was fun for us boys.

But every good babycino comes to an end sometime!

Noah's pronunciation and vocabulary continue to rocket along. His newest party-trick is counting to ten, unaided! Well done, Noah :) Also, he's great at imaginative stuff, like pretending a bottle is a rocket, or make-believe eating. Mmmm.

Sleeping and feeding have been the names of the game for Lily, mostly. Oh yeah, and looking gorgeous. Oh, and being handed around for cuddles every time our friends come to visit (which has been often, but not overwhelming at all).

So my self-imposed week-off has come to an end now. I think looking after two is going to be tough for Katie, but I think she's up to it. At least student-life is flexible, so I can be called-in if need be!

Stuff to pray for? Continuing good sleep and rest for all. Perseverance for Katie as I head back to college this week. That Noah can keep learning to be a great big brother (and that we help him to do so!).

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Early Days with Big Bro

Noah's always been quite a huggy kinda boy. Just now, cuddling Lily has become one of his favourite new pass-times.

Lily's usually pretty compliant, or just asleep.

Noah's also a very enthusiastic sharer, which is a wonderful trait. Unfortunately, Lily isn't quite up to playing the xylophone, or playing with farm animals, or playing with Noah's trains, though he's tried to encourage her. One day, Noah, one day.

Thankfully Lily has been sleeping a bit better the last couple of nights, so thank God for that. Please pray that the trend continues, especially for Katie (since I can't really take her place as Lily's food supply!)

She's a little angel.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lily's Arrival

So Lily was born at the RPA Birth Centre. And here we all are, getting to know one another.

By and by, Noah came along to complete our little family gathering. He was thoroughly taken by his little sister. We had practiced saying her name, in advance, which Noah mastered quickly.

Then Noah was into the hugs. He's a great cuddler. Very gentle. Patient, when she cries.

Lily did some good sleeping, too. She's not the most sleepy kid you've ever seen. But she's got the hang of it.

Since we were all feeling good (and the threat of sharing a room was looming), we all bundled into the car and made our way home. Less than twelve hours in the hospital! Well done girls :)

Home is going well. The first night was pretty good, really. Praise God for Lily and her safe arrival. Keep praying for us all as we adjust to being a family of four, please.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome Lily Grace

This morning God blessed our little family with the safe arrival of Lily Grace.

At 8:59am she arrived, weighing in at 3.69kg (8lb, 2oz) and measuring 52cm in length. A gorgeous little cherub, more magnificent than Solomon in all his splendour ;)

Mum and bubs are both doing well. In fact, we're all back home. Praise the Lord.

(And yes, we'll post more photos soon!)